2023-12-27 09:16:59 -

2023-12-29 21:26:31 -

2023-12-23 13:40:08 -
质量挺好的 留着出门背

2023-12-22 21:56:02 -

2023-12-21 21:48:39 -

2023-12-24 17:37:08 -

2023-12-27 18:11:51 -

2023-12-27 10:53:07 -

2023-12-25 18:32:20 -
外观颜值:好 材质手感:好 容量空间:好

2023-12-27 10:09:58 -

大自然的盛宴(五)--- 湿地森林


湿地中人行步道的尽头向右转就是去往溪畔森林的小路。四月的早春大部分植物才刚刚冒出花蕾,由于土壤中多年的腐叶及腐木聚积的充足营养,使得这里的土地异常肥沃,因此这些花蕾均生的结实饱满,一旦遇到合适的湿度温度,它们就会竞相开放。我看到泥泞的小路旁最引人注目的是开着黄花,长着斑驳叶片的trout lily。当周围各家兄弟姐妹正在暗中较劲竞蕾争锋,它早已静静的在步道边的角落里悄然绽放。还有一种贴近地面生长的白色小花引起我的注意。它的高度只有10cm左右,一个宽大的叶片非常独特的环绕独茎生长。深绿色的叶片像母亲宽大的胸怀,将含苞待放的花蕾深深地拥在怀里,似乎不愿孩子经受一点点风雨。当一个零星小雨的午后花蕾绽放时,那只宽大的叶片低低地退缩在白色花瓣的近旁,似乎正在意犹未尽地欣赏着孩子美丽的容颜。  每当看到空旷的土地上刚刚扦插的小树苗都带着厚厚的塑料护套,我就会不由自主的发出会心的微笑,因为我明明看到了自然界的智慧是如何被人们在自己的生活中传承的。

沿着小路继续向森林走去,渐渐的身边的植物由尚是枝干细瘦的树木换成粗壮常绿的参天大树。抬头向小路尽头的天空望去,阳光不是很刺眼,天空干净的没有一丝云彩,碧蓝如洗。 路两旁高树的枝芽尽端拼命的向天空伸去,难道它们是在寻找灵魂的家园吗? 突然有些哽咽,我赶紧低头快步走向深林。

溪谷旁的森林幽深宁静,地上布满由松针,腐叶,干木组成的大地养料,踩上去松松软软的,非常舒服。偶尔还会看到附着在树根上的绿色苔藓,空气中却还没有我想闻到的那种新鲜的令人心醉的森林的香气。 每一棵大树都有二三十米那么高,我猜想应该有几百年的历史了吧?!微风吹过松柏,送来温和清雅的松涛声,这种声音中没有杂音,好过任何一种树木对风的应答。 这些参天大树像极了我的父辈兄长,站在他们的旁边总是不自觉有一种久违的安全感。 森林是自然界生态环境重要的组成部分,它们为动物提供栖身之地,为人类的生产生活提供众多的必需品。森林的生态系统具有自我循环更新的功能,树木则在这个过程中起到了巨大的作用。 它们吸收二氧化碳,呼出氧气;它们腐败的枝叶落在土壤中被微生物及细菌分解,分解后的营养留在土壤中再被动植物吸收,为它们的生长提供丰富的养料。虽然此刻这里没有夏季的枝繁叶茂,更多季节过渡的清冷和不安,我的心里却一点不冷寂,内心充满了回家的那种熟悉和温暖的感觉。

溪流长年累月冲刷着两岸,让岸边小丘的地貌显得清冷俊逸。 森林中尽是躺倒的高大的朽木, 幽幽的河道也像是岁月在森林中刻下的一道深深的伤痕,只有潺潺的溪水却像生命的旋律一路欢歌着流向大湖。这里风格原始野性,线条冷峻刚毅,画面称不上触目惊心,但与湿地比较却是另一番厚重与大气。我喜欢具有岁月厚重感的地方,那种深刻的沉重如果是刻在自然的心上,大多是令人胆颤心惊的。这里虽然只是地球上一个看不见的微小的角落,却带给我同样的遐想。可是我想,纵使经过沧海桑田,大自然给人类带来的仍然是阳光雨露,鸟语花香。它们的坚强永恒为世界带来了令人震撼的美丽,让无论从身体上还是精神上都异常渺小的我汗颜。神奇的是,它们的美和爱总会在我的身上发生化学效应。每当走进自然,我都会情不自禁的怜爱一切,疼惜一切。我想为它缝补岁月的伤疤,我想听到这里充满更多鸟儿的鸣叫,我想让溪水流淌的更加开心,让松涛声永久的回响在森林的上空。哦,不。。。, 也许它不喜欢我为它做什么呢?也许它更愿意永远生活在不知名的角落,就这样静静的在岁月的流淌中度过千年万年?

前方小路上走来一位walking dog的西人女士,她指指点点地兴奋地告诉我在湿地中发现了小鹿。 她的发现又激发了我心中寻找那只白尾小鹿的愿望。穿过小桥,突然发现两个身背相机的年轻小伙子在桥下的水边寻找着什么。这里的一切都令人好奇和渴望,每个人在自然中享受着生命中最快乐的时刻。这片家园历史上曾经有一位令人敬佩的主人,他不仅热爱这里,愿意为保护它做出自己的贡献;而且还乐善好施,希望周围的居民都来分享这片美丽自然带给人们的快乐。正因为有这样慷慨而智慧的先辈,这片湿地的美丽才得以保护和传承下来,今天的普通百姓也可以在这里休闲度假,欣赏美丽的湖滨美景,享受和湿地森林千奇百态的动物植物共处的快乐。 我们应该为今天的拥有而永远感谢曾经为保护这片自然湿地的美丽做出过贡献的前辈, 更要用自己生命中的作为向他们致敬,让这里的明天更加美丽,更加迷人,更加灿烂。

这是自然系列的最后一篇,谢谢大家阅读。我曾经答应过网友“田野maomao” 要把她的一篇关于科学与美的精彩博文介绍给大家,她的这篇文章详细的诠释了自然科学与美的内在关系。谢谢她!


“The Piano Guys”的 “A Thousand Years” , 音乐语言的传达胜过我的千言万语。


They are the only shoes hubby wears. He really likes them.
- Switzerland

Love these shoes.They also fit me perfectly..Will continue to order
- Singapore

Great Shoe! I am pleased with these Nike Air Monarch IV. They fit comfortably.
- Switzerland

FAST shipping, product as advertised and on my feet as I type this !No issues 100% happy.
- Liberia

These are the the most comfortable shoes and my second pair of this particlar model. I wore the first out.
- Singapore

My 5th pair of Monarch IV. Always a good fit and comfortable. The leather uppers allow me to wear in cooler weather.
- Switzerland

I have flat feet so I need a shoe that doesn't have a large arch for me this is why I buy this sneakers, I can tell you good quality.
- Singapore

WOW!!! Love NIKE!!! Just perfect for my feet!! Love this shoes, you can ware them as casual dressing or for cross training!!! It is like walking on AIR!!!!
- Switzerland

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Switzerland

I have bought this same shoe for years so I already know they fit me well. They are comfortable and last a long time. So it's all about price and delivery which are both superior on .Com. I love em! (The shoes that is.)
- Switzerland

2023-12-04 05:19:13--
Honestly its a great shoe in terms of looks and build quality. A few people in the review section said it ran wide- even wide for people who typically need 4E width, but thats false. Its wider than your typical Nikes, but dont let the 4E compatible review get you. If youre a 4E, these shoes will run narrow. But the actual shoes themself are great!

2023-12-04 05:19:13--
Honestly its a great shoe in terms of looks and build quality. A few people in the review section said it ran wide- even wide for people who typically need 4E width, but thats false. Its wider than your typical Nikes, but dont let the 4E compatible review get you. If youre a 4E, these shoes will run narrow. But the actual shoes themself are great!

2023-12-04 05:18:15--
I've been wearing these shoes since I was a teenager in High School. Didn't know if I could find them in the store and definitely was not comfortable looking them up online, but I found the SKU# and searched Amazon and decided to give the shoe a try. The fit the look and more importantly everything about the shoe is what I wanted. Couldn't be more pleased.

2023-12-04 05:17:34--
Exactly as described. Good, well made shoes for a good price. I tend to walk on the outside of my left foot based on bone alignment from a broken leg so need shoes with a stitched on sole to keep them from falling apart. These shoes have a good arch, are made of excellent material, and fit perfectly. And I think they look sharp without being too flashy. I'd buy them again.

2023-12-04 05:15:46--
Usually Nike shoes are very narrow even when we get the wide width. However, they were exactly what we needed in the 4E. These are beautiful shoes. The subtle design under the mesh is not distracting yet gives the aesthetic a little something extra. My son loves them, and they are very comfortable on his feet. I don't know how long they will last for my pre-teen with the mesh on them, but the shoe itself has a sturdy construction. I would (and may have to) purchase these again... I might need a pair for myself :D

2023-12-04 05:15:41--
Usually Nike shoes are very narrow even when we get the wide width. However, they were exactly what we needed in the 4E. These are beautiful shoes. The subtle design under the mesh is not distracting yet gives the aesthetic a little something extra. My son loves them, and they are very comfortable on his feet. I don't know how long they will last for my pre-teen with the mesh on them, but the shoe itself has a sturdy construction. I would (and may have to) purchase these again... I might need a pair for myself :D

2023-12-04 05:14:12--
The soles are soft and comfortable, non-slip and wear-resistant, the size description is accurate, and the effect on the feet is very good

2023-12-04 05:14:02--
The foot feel is really excellent. It is s not wasted my expectation. I was worried about the super beautiful color at first, but actually it is s super cool. The color is more and more durable

2023-12-04 05:12:25--
Very unexpected, I will come next time~ Good seller, continue to pay attention!

2023-12-04 05:10:53--
shoes are nice asf

2023-12-04 05:08:56--
Thank you for beautiful bags.

2023-12-04 05:07:41--
This look so real and are amazing!

2023-12-04 05:04:49--
thank you so much. product was packaged well.

2023-12-04 05:02:27--
It fits the description! Quickly and efficiently! Recommend!

2023-12-04 05:01:48--
Very good, the delivery is fast! The service is attentive!

2023-12-04 05:00:04--
Great!! especially for the price! Can t complain. will recommend!

2023-12-04 05:00:04--
Fast shipping. Shoes look good. Will definitely be ordering more.

2023-12-04 04:53:41--
Love it!!!!! Looks just like the real thing! shipping was really fast too!! Will purchase again

2023-12-04 04:51:06--
Great shoes, great seller, good communication, I will definitely continue to buy from him. The shoes came sooner than I expected.

2023-12-04 04:48:21--
The material of the product is soft and the size is just right. They dont wear tired feet, dont grind heels, and the product are versatile

2023-12-04 04:47:13--
The quality of this product is very good, the packaging is perfect, and the delivery speed is very fast. I recommend this seller and I really like it.

2023-12-04 04:44:08--
Amazing!! Only difference is the swoosh in the front near the toes is slightly different and the insoles in not as soft but still very comfortable.. other than that it’s perfect! Black is the real thing bought at champs and pink is bought here

2023-12-04 04:43:57--
The quality of the shoes is very good and the breathability is very good. I ran for a few days in the morning without smelly feet and felt very comfortable. The shoe size standard is according to the usual size, it is just right to wear, I like it very much

2023-12-04 04:43:26--
Compared with real things, they are very similar. The packaging only arrived here within the standard shipping time of 13 days, everything that happened in the world was impressive, and the communication from the seller was excellent!

2023-12-04 04:41:07--
great job seller your the man !!!!!!

2023-12-04 04:40:31--
Took about 2 weeks to arrive but everything else is perfect

2023-12-04 04:37:33--
class. approached, i have a hand 11 size, super, thanks

2023-12-04 04:35:35--
These shoes are my favorites....they are well made and obviously very nice looking....I bought a pair for myself and my dad and he loves them as well....Cant go wrong with these....

2023-12-04 04:34:35--
Tried it on, both fit and comfortable, professional quality, worth having!

2023-12-04 04:34:21--
The length is suitable, the price is cheap, the quality is good, and the logistics is also very good soon, which can be recommended.

2023-12-04 04:33:17--
Runs small, will likely buy a size larger next time

2023-12-04 04:33:07--
This seller is very polite, answers quickly. My shoes arrived in less than 3 week. The product is like the real one I could not believe what a good job they have done. go for this seller

2023-12-04 04:27:11--
The quality of the bag is good, the workmanship is fine, the appearance is beautiful, I like it very much!

2023-12-04 04:24:52--
DO NOT BUY! cheap quality shoes! I wore once and there is a tear at the front already

2023-12-04 04:23:56--
Amazing quality and great product. Size is good, but could fit a tad bit bigger. Looks great and comfortable

2023-12-04 04:22:43--
The quality is quite good, the style is nice and the picture is the same, the sole is not slippery, the style looks good, the color is my favorite.

2023-12-04 04:22:23--
Took around 2 weeks to arrive, really happy with the shoe considering the price... would definitely recommend, I will be buying again in another colourway

2023-12-04 04:21:16--
The shoes itself is perfect. The only con was shipping was about 28 days so pack your patience. Other than that the experience was great. Wish I would have paid for a box also.

2023-12-04 04:20:45--
3rd pair of these I’ve bought for my daughter she has 2 pair of real ones and these are exactly the same only seller I will buy off for these shoes amazing quality and fast delivery to uk

2023-12-04 04:19:09--
The owner is very nice, very patient, all the questions are explained clearly, I will come back if I have a chance, the goods arrived very quickly, I am very happy to finally get it, very good shop owner, the service is very good

2023-12-04 04:18:30--
I love this seller these shoes are clean best seller on here definitely vying again worth the wait and money took about 2 weeks thereamp;amp;amp;apos;s was some confusion about shipping they came ups so best option choose dhl if you want your shoes sooner

2023-12-04 04:18:13--
Took quite awhile to get to me (about a month), even once it hit the US but I love the quality. They fit really well! I’ve ordered from this seller before so if you’re on the fence just go for it! Not sure how close these are to the real ones but they look good to me.

2023-12-04 04:16:53--
ABSOLUTELY OBSESSED!! Took about a month to get to the US. They look identical to the real ones. They fit true to size literally perfectly. I’m a US 8/8.5 and I ordered a 39. Came in a box with the dust bag and all the authentic tags. Box was a little damaged but I don’t care about that at all. This was my first gate shoe purchase so I was a little hesitant but 10/10 I will be buying more shoes from dhg!

2023-12-04 04:13:42--
Gorgeous! Very happy with my purchase.

2023-12-04 04:12:34--
Absolutely in love. Exactly like the real one. Will order again. Thank you

2023-12-04 04:11:34--
Yes, the quality of workmanship is very good. It is very comfortable to wear. The style is also very nice

2023-12-04 04:09:28--
Good quality for the price! Quick shipping with DHL Express! I am very impressed with how good the quality is, to be very honest. I ll definitely be ordering again!

2023-12-04 04:08:21--
One of the few shoes that I can find that fit my feet comfortably amp;amp;#40;15Eamp;amp;#41; and always last longer than expected. Very happy with the purchase, price and delivery time.

2023-12-04 04:06:52--
Your stuff is very good. Value for money. The owner is very helpful, very good, very good seller, the delivery is very timely and fast, much more beautiful than the picture, trading with you every time is so successful and happy

2023-12-04 04:05:39--
Wow thanks this package is amazing I will definitely continue with business Top quality comfortable shoe Seller very responsive Took 3 weeks to get to USA after they were shipped by seller In my opinion they were worth the wait I would most definitely purchase from this seller again

2023-12-04 04:03:48--
well where do I start this item came after about 2 1amp;#47;2 weeks. so good start. once did you got here I opened it up specifically after the seller before the order to make sure I got all the pieces that came with shoes he told me they would be there double box OtterBox with bubble wrap shoes were in bubble wrap singly and had the original box quality is great materials great I donamp;apos;t know what else to say the seller has really got my attention and also got himself a new customer thank you seller

2023-12-04 04:03:26--

2023-12-04 04:03:21--
Logo is off on this style

2023-12-04 04:02:47--
Great quality, seller was very helpful with my question.

2023-12-04 03:59:55--
The order is delivered in time! Perfect, very comfortable and warm, suitable for daily use. Size, photo and description correspond. Thank you seller! I recommend salesmen.

2023-12-04 03:57:59--
at least my 7th pair!!!!!!!!!!!!

2023-12-04 03:57:29--
The owner was patient, unlike other shop owners

2023-12-04 03:56:23--
Shirt is solid. Print is solid. 100% recommend. Order 1 size up for snug fit.. 2 for loose.

2023-12-04 03:54:41--
very good quality and fits me very well. delivery was surprisingly fast . overall very happy with my order and will use this store again

2023-12-04 03:53:29--
Iamp;apos;ll buy it next time

Displaying 721 to 780 (of 800 reviews)

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